Saturday, February 28, 2009
SCOTTISH BOYS CHAMPIONSHIP - Closing date for entries is near
Anyone who is considering entering and has not yet done so, is reminded to do so as soon as possible.
the 2009 Scottish Boys Championship will be played at Royal Aberdeen GC from Monday 6 to Saturday 11 April.
The handicap limit is 6.4, the entry fee £35 and entries close Thursday 5 March.
Entry forms can be downloaded from the Scottish Golf Union website at
AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER - Capacity audience honours Ayrshire winners
At the conclusion of the presentation of trophies, Past President Ricky Magee (Caprington) spoke of the historic win by the Ayrshire county team at Tain in October 2008 when the Scottish Area Team Championship was won, for only the second time, by Ayrshire. Whilst 6 players represented Ayrshire at the finals, a total of 12 players had played throughout the campaign, and had contributed to the ultimate success of the county team. In recognition, Ricky explained, the AGA Executive decided that not only those that played in the final, but all players, including those who had played in the qualifying matches would receive the gold medals presented to the winning team.
Consequently, Ricky Magee called upon SGU President Ian Ross to present the gold medals to those team members present, and representatives of clubs whose team members were unable to attend. The players receiving the medals were :-
Cameron Gray (West Kilbride)
EUROPEAN SENIORS TOUR - Ross Drummond well placed after two rounds in Brunei
an opening 68 left him in second place after the first round and Drummond followed this with a second round 72 for a 140 total.
Australian David Merriman holds a one shot lead going into the final round after scoring a European Senior Tour career best for him of 65, six under par, in the second round for a 135 total.
Also on 140, two under par, alongside Ross Drummond is Ayrshire born Sam Torrance.
PAR = 142 (71 + 71)
135 - D Merriman (Aus) 70 65
136 - M Cunning (USA) 69 67, B Cameron (Eng) 67 69
137 - D Johnson (USA) 73 64
138 - G Ralph (Eng) 70 68, S Ebihara (Jpn) 70 68, C Rocca (Ita) 72 66
139 - A Franco (Par) 73 66, G Cali (Ita) 70 69
140 - P Dugeny (Fra) 71 69, S Torrance (Sco) 71 69, B Ruangkit (Tha) 70 70, K Tomori (Jpn) 70 70, - R Drummond (Sco) 68 72, G Levenson (RSA) 70 70
141 - J Hawkes (RSA) 72 69, C Chun-Hsing (Tpe) 69 72; J Hall (Eng) 69 72, A Murray (Eng) 70 71; P Oakley (USA) 68 73, J Heggarty (Nir) 73 68, S Lyle (Sco) 72 69
SPANISH AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP - Steven McEwan defeated at opening matchplay stage.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
SPANISH AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP - McEwan amongs Scots trio in matchplay
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
AYRSHIRE CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS - 45 bid for 2009 title
The draw for the first two rounds is :-
ROUND 1 - (to be completed by 12th April 2009)
Jamie MacPherson (Whiting Bay) Vs. Andy Scanlon (Auchinharvie)
Scott McCahill (Maybole) Vs. Steven Jackson (Wallacetown)
Andrew Carroll (Drongan) Vs. David Gilmour (Moorpark)
Kevin Fergusson (Prestwick St. Cuthbert) Vs. Ewan McKinnon (Corrie)
Tony Stafford (Troon St. Meddans) Vs. Craig Adams (Ardeer)
Alan Stewart Jr (Stewarton) Vs. Gregor Dickson (Largs)
John Cairney (Irvine Ravenspark) Vs. Chris Merry (Tam O Shanter)
Neil McCormack (New Cumnock) Vs. Gordon Bettany (Saxone)
Alan McLean (Kilbirnie Place) Vs. Jonathan Nicol (Largs Routenburn)
Steven McEwan (Caprington) Vs. Billy McCulloch (Brunston Castle)
David J. Miller (Kilmarnock Barassie) Vs. Colin Robertson (Glacier)
Steven Corrigan (Ayr Dalmilling) Vs. David Martin (Alton)
John Broadfoot (Turnberry) Vs. Terry Cairns (North Beach)
ROUND 2 - (To be completed by 17th May 2009)
MacPherson or Scanlon Vs. John Sloan (Doon Valley)
McCahill or Jackson Vs. Ross Clark (Braehead)
Carroll or Gilmour Vs. Mark tait (Annanhill)
Fergusson or McKinnon Vs. Paul Moultrie (Defending Champion)
Stafford or Adams Vs. Bert Ferguson (Royal Troon)
Stewart or Dickson Vs. Gavin Lawrie (Prestwick St. Nichoas)
Cairney or Merry Vs. Campbell McCluskie (Crosshouse)
McCormack or Bettany Vs. David Muir (Muirkirk)
McLean or Nicol Vs. Del Chamberlain (Troon Welbeck)
McEwan or McCulloch Vs. Gary Bryden (Girvan)
Miller or Robertson Vs. Sandy Riddell (Skelmorlie)
Corrigan or Martin Vs. Michael Roos (West Kilbride)
Broadfoot or Cairns Vs. Chris harkins (Ayr Belleisle)
Fraser McCall (Troon Portland) Vs. Tommy McInally (Loudoun)
Gordon McCrea (Beith) Vs. Billy Murdoch (Ayr Carrick)
Billy Wilson (Ballochmyle) Vs. John Shanks (Irvine)
The scratch matchplay event will culminate in the semi finals and finals, which will be played over the old course at Royal Troon on Friday 7th and Friday 14th August respectively.
AYRSHIRE JUNIOR ORDER OF MERIT - 2009 counting events and junior fixtures announced
The Order Of merit counting events open with The Scottish Boys Championship in April at Royal Aberdeen and conclude with the Ayrshire Boys Matchplay Championship in August at Prestwick.
The full list of Junior Order Of Merit counting events, and other junior fixtures in Ayrshire, can be accessed via the link on the left of this page.
Entry forms for some of the Junior Order Of Merit counting events should also be available throughout the season vial links on the left of this page also.
AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION - Doc Thom Ayrshire Order Of Merit fixtures announced
The list of counting events is also available through the link on the left of this page and entry forms for some of the counting events will also be available direct via links on the left also.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
SCOTTISH GOLF UNION - Steven McEwan selected for Portugese and Spanish events
First round ties, to be completed by 19th April 2009, are :-
Kenneth Hankinson & Gibby Lamont (TROON WELBECK) Vs. James Ogilvie & Andrew Stevenson (AUCHINHARVIE)
Paul Church & Jim Anderson (SKELMORLIE) Vs. Craig Menzies & Kevin McMahon(MUIRKIRK)
A. Dunlop & J. Brown (BRUNSTON CASTLE) Vs. Greg Semple & Jim Brown (STEWARTON)
Jim Ryan & Shaun Ryan (AYR DALMILLING) Vs. M. Callaghan & M. Purvis(MALLETSHEUGH)
David Murdoch & Robert Kerr (PRESTWICK ST. CUTHBERT) Vs. Tom Armstrong & Leslie Knox (MOORPARK)
Gordon Hamilton & Martin Spence (LOUDOUN) Vs. Brian Armour & Eric Armour (ABBOTSFORD)
Gary Ross & James Brown (NORTH BEACH) Vs. Stuart Brown & David Brown (DOON VALLEY)
Second round ties, to be completed by 24th May 2009, are :-
SKELMORLIE or MUIRKIRK Vs. John Anderson & Sean Ingle (BRAEHEAD)
LOUDOUN or ABBOTSFORD Vs. John Fleming & Gordon Bettany (SAXONE)
NORTH BEACH or DOON VALLEY Vs. Ian Currie & Robert Williamson (CROSSHOUSE)
Fraser McCall & Adam Cairns (TROON PORTLAND) Vs. Stuart Craig & Peter Thomson (KILMARNOCK BARASSIE)
Scott McCahill & David Wallace (MAYBOLE) Vs. Bruce Manderson & Neal Robertson (BEITH)
Danile McGee & John Brennan (TAM O SHANTER) Vs. Dan Higgins & W. McCartney (WALLACETOWN)
Joe Howie & John McMillan (ARDEER) Vs. Andy Reid & Craig Murdoch (AYR CARRICK)
Roddy Davidson & james Young (DRONGAN) Vs. Alan McLean & George McLean (KILBIRNIE PLACE)
M. Anderson & I. Hogg (IRVINE) Vs. R. Kennedy & D. Bartlett (CAPRINGTON)
John Byrne & Colin Greenham (WEST KILBRIDE) Vs. Neil McKinnon & Billy Hamilton (BALLOCHMYLE)
R. Carney & J. McGown (ROUTENBURN) Vs. James Nichol & Craig Nichol (NEW CUMNOCK)
Kenny Milliken & Ian Fraser (TROON ST. MEDDANS) Vs. Douglas McKinnon & Kevin Ottley (AYR BELLEISLE)
EUROPEAN SENIORS TOUR - Drummond opens season in Brunei

Monday, February 16, 2009
IS DALMILLING BEING CLOSED TO SAVE £40,694 p.a. - Public meeting hears figures from local councillor
All the SGU and SLGA afflliated clubs who play at Dalmilling were represented as well as clubs from further afield who may be detrimentally affected by the decision.
Local Councillor Ian Kavanagh attended the meeting and advised those present of the circumstances, as he was able to ascertain, surrounding the decision. He commented that he and other councillors were not aware of the closure proposal being included in the budget proposals until around one hour before the meeting was called to make a decision.
Councillor Kavanagh informed the company that the heading in the budget paper included the closure of Maybole Golf Course as well as Dalmilling but it was later stated in the document that there was a possibility of the community taking on the running of the course in Maybole.
This prompted some disquiet at the meeting as to why the same possibility was not being considered at Dalmilling.
Councillor Kavanagh also informed the meeting that, despite the rumours regarding the land being used to build social housing and/or a new school, there was nothing in the available papers to indicate what was to happen to the Dalmilling golf course land after closure at the end of the year.
The sole explaination that Councillor Kavanagh could offer for the course closure was the £40,694 saving projected for 2010 as a result of the closure of Dalmilling, as he stated he could come to no other conclusion for the swift termination of the facility, with no indication as to what the future plans for the land was.

Many of the club members present cast extreme doubt on some of the figures and statements presented by council officers of the Education, Environment and Lifelong Learning department and included in briefing papers, to aid councillors to make informed decisions.
There was a clear strength of feeling about the closure from those present at the meeting, particularly in the way it was presented with no consultation and the short time scale intended for the complete closure of the course.
Those present heard that the apparently suggested solution to the closure of the course was for the users of Dalmilling to play at other municipal course such as Seafield or Belleisle. This suggestion was considered impossible, not only by those presently playing at Dalmilling but also by members of clubs attached to the other municial courses, as the times at which clubs require tee bookings are presently at or near capacity.
In a simple statement, one club member present commented that the decision would not only remove a much needed facility in the area by will potentially destroy the 6 clubs attached to the course, some of whom have long histories, as there will be nowhere for the clubs to play after the end of the year,
There were many very valid questions raised at the meeting which deserve and require answers from South Ayrshire Council, and the meeting close with the various clubs who play at Dalmilling agreeing to form an action committee to further pursue the issues raised and fight the closure decision. To the credit of all the clubs involved, there were a number of willing volunteers on the night from each of the clubs, keen to serve their clubs and the community on the action group to contest the closure decision.
There will no doubt be further developments in the story in the future, news of which the web page will try to report.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
AYR DALMILLING CLOSURE - a lady golfers perspective
"I have been playing golf in Ayr since my early teens and I am going to be forty this year. As a young girl back in the day, there weren't many clubs welcoming juniors with open arms. Dalmilling was different then and it still prides itself on being a club for everyman, woman and child regardless of age, ability or status.
I started my golf at Dalmilling and the ladies there welcomed me with open arms. They took me under their wing and helped me with my game, with the etiquette and with the rules. They were also friendly and fun to play with. Many of these ladies are still members today and I will never forget the kindness (not to mention patience) they showed me when I first took up the beautiful game.
Dalmilling is still actively involved in the development of junior golf. Five years ago we sent volunteers on coaching courses to roll-out the clubgolf programme. This is really beginning to bear fruit with many of the youngsters, from a socially deprived area, getting access to a healthy, outdoor sport that they otherwise would never have had access to.
What are we to say to these children, and their parents, so badly let down by the council? ...."Go on wander the streets"?
Certainly food for thought. Another aspect which was worthy of note, and hopefully was fully considered, before the closure decision was made ?.
AYR DALMILLING CLOSURE - meeting scheduled to discuss decision
"I understand from Ian Robertson that a meeting is to be held, to discuss the decision to close the course, in the Tea Room at Dalmilling tomorrow night, Friday 13th February at 7.00pm".
No doubt any intersted parties will be welcome to addend the meeting to discuss all aspects of the closure.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
South Ayrshire has eight municipal courses, including Ayr Dalmilling, and the municipal provision is widely advertised in tourism circles as a positive feature for visiting South Ayrshire, making the decision, especially in the year that the Open Championship returns to the area, all the more strange and apparently ill timed.
The shock decision to close the course, which has been a feature of the sporting provision in North Ayr since the early 1960's, will leave 5 SGU affilliated and one SLGA affilliated clubs without a home course and may even threaten their very existence.
The SGU clubs affected will be Ayr Dalmilling, Braehead, Drongan, Wallacetown and Ailsa Craig, whilst the Dalmilling Ladies club are the SLGA affilliated club affected.
The Dalmilling course has hosted a number of Ayrshire County events over the years and a number of players who have competed at amateur level and also some who have progressed to the professional ranks have developed their game over the course.
The closure decision will no doubt be a controversial one and the effects of the closure could well have a knock on effect to other golfers throughout the area.
No doubt more information with regard to the closure decision will emerge in due course.
AYRSHIRE SUMMER LEAGUE - Draw for 2009 competition
Moorpark and Ayr Dalmilling have dropped out of the competition this year, but Troon St. Meddans have returned to the event, in their Centenary year, alongside Beith, Largs and Prestwick St. Cuthbert who will all take part this season.
There are five qualifying sections, 3 with 4 clubs, and 2 with 3 clubs.
The winners of the two leagues featuring three clubs will play off for a place in the semi finals alongside the winners of the other three leagues.
Qualifying matches will be played on various dates from May to August
The draw for the League sections are :-
LEAGUE 1 - Ayr Belleisle, Prestwick St. Cuthbert, Ballochmyle & Caprington
LEAGUE 2 - Troon St. Meddans, West Kilbride, Ardeer & Loudoun
LEAGUE 3 - Kilbirnie Place, Annanhill, Irvine Ravenspark & Irvine (Bogside)
LEAGUE 4 - Beith, Tam O Shanter & Kilmarnock (Barassie)
LEAGUE 5 - Troon Welbeck, New Cumnock & Largs
Ayrshire Golf Association Competitions Convenor, Sandy Provan, commented :-
" It is pleasing to see a number of new clubs entering the event this years, and others who had previously taken part returning.
Its important to stress that, whilst everyone likes to win, and most take it very serious, it is a fun competition, where we get playing other clubs and courses in hopefully nice conditions. Its a league format so everyone is guaranteed games, even if they cant field a low handicap team, players will not always be available! Its about enjoying golf ".
SCOTT BROWN has 'never to be forgotten' experience in Dubai
With temperatures of 28 - 33 degrees throughout the week, Scott's Pro Am team - pictured below - scored a total of 10 under par, the group featuring Colin Montgomerie winning the event on 13 under par.

Whilst in Dubai, Scott also played the Montgomerie course and the Els club, whilst also having the opportunity to meet a host of top professionals in the VIP cabin, including Darren Clark, Colin Montgomerie, Lee Westwood, Martin Kaymer, Richard Karllson and Justin Rose.
A VIP meeting In the 7 star hotel in Dubai also gave Scott the opportunity to meet sports presenter Dougie Donnelly !!!
At the conclusion of the tournament, Scott also met the winner, Irishman Rory Mcilroy, just 10 minutes after he won his first European Tour title.
All in all, a great experience for Scott, and a worthy reward for all his efforts and successes in 2008.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
WALKER CUP - 2 Ayrshire players named in preliminary squad

Todd Adcock (Nevill).
Wallace Booth (Comrie).
Paul Cutler (Portstewart).
Gavin Dear (Murrayshall).
Alan Dunbar (Rathmore).
Nigel Edwards (Whitchurch).
Ben Enoch (Truro).
Rhys Enoch (Truro).
Steven McEwan (Caprington).
Tommy Fleetwood (Formby Hall).
Charlie Ford (Kirby Muxloe).
Luke Goddard (Hendon).
Matt Haines (Rochester & Cobham Park).
Paul O’Hara (Colville Park).
Sam Hutsby (Liphook).
Niall Kearney (Royal Dublin).
Dara Lernihan (Castle).
Shane Lowry (Esker Hills).
Keir McNicoll (Carnoustie).
Chris Paisley (Stocksfield).
Eddie Pepperell (Drayton Park).
Tom Sherreard (Chart Hills).
Michael Stewart (Troon Welbeck).
Steven Uzzell (Hornsea).
Simon Ward (Co Louth).
Ben Westgate (Trevose).
Dale Whitnell (Five Lakes).
Gordon Yates (Hilton Park)
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
AYRSHIRE JUNIOR GOLF LEAGUE - Irvine Golf Club rejoin league for 2009
Irvine (Bogside) Golf Club have rejoined the Ayrshire Junior Golf League and will take part in the 2009 League competitions.

At the meeting of the Ayrshire Junior Golf League Executive held on Tuesday 3rd February, the draws for the 2009 competitions were made.
Membership this season stands at 17 clubs, with Irvine coming in whilst Ayr Dalmilling and New Cumnock have dropped out.
In the LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP, defending champions Largs have been drawn in the five team section, SECTION A, with Troon St. Meddans, Ardeer, Caprington and Troon Welbeck.
In the League Championship, teams will play section matches on a home and away basis from April to August, with the winners of each section progressing to the semi finals.
The draw for the League Championship qualifying sections for 2009 is :-
SECTION A - Troon St. Meddans, Ardeer, Caprington, Largs & Troon Welbeck
SECTION B - Irvine Ravenspark, Largs Routenburn, Annanhill & Prestwick St. Nicholas
SECTION C - Ayr Belleisle, West Kilbride, Irvine (Bogside) and Ballochmyle
SECTION D - Prestwick St. Cuthbert, Kilbirnie Place, Kilmarnock (Barassie) and Loudoun
In the UNDER 16 KNOCKOUT TROPHY one preliminary match is required, with Largs being drawn at home against Kilbirnie Place. This tie is to be completed by 30th April.
The draw for the First Round is :-
Ballochmyle Vs. Annanhill
Caprington Vs. Ayr Belleisle
Largs or Kilbirnie Place Vs. Irvine Ravenspark
Prestwick St. Nicholas Vs. Prestwick St. Cuthbert
Troon Welbeck vs. West Kilbride
Irvine (Bogside) Vs. Ardeer
Kilmarnock (Barassie) Vs. Loudoun
Largs Routenburn Vs. Troon St. Meddans
All first round ties to be completed by 31st May 2009
two preliminary round matches are required, with the Ayrshire Boys Champion Scott Brown being drawn away at Ballochmyle in one of the ties.
The preliminary ties, to be completed by 30th April, are :-
Loudoun Vs. largs Routenburn
Ballochmyle Vs. Ayrshire Boys Champion
The first round draw is :-
Largs Vs. Loudoun or Largs Routenburn
West Kilbride Vs. Ballochmyle or Ayrshire Boys Champion
Troon Welbeck Vs. Prestwick St. Nicholas
Irvine Ravenspark vs. Kilmarnock (Barassie)
Caprington Vs. Irvine (Bogside)
Annanhill Vs. Kilbirnie Place
Ardeer Vs. Troon St. Meddans
Ayr Belleisle Vs. Prestwick St. Cuthbert
First round ties to be completed by 31st may 2009
The finals of all the Ayrshire Junior Golf League competitions will all be held at West Kilbride this year, the Wallace Thornton and Under 16 Knockout Trophy finals scheduled for Sunday 13th September and the League Championship and Champion Of Champions Trophy finals scheduled the following Sunday, the 20th September.
The Annual Dinner and Presentation of Trophies will again be held at Irvine Ravenspark, with a provisional date of Monday 9th November being agreed.
At the recent AJGL Executive meeting, discussion took place on the use of distance measuring devices and it was decided by majority that a local rule permitting their use would NOT be introduced for Ayrshire Junior Golf League events this season.
Consequently, the use of Distance Measuring Devices will not be permitted in Ayrshire Junior Golf League events this season, regardless of any club local rule which allows their use on a course over which the event is being played.
AYRSHIRE WINTER LEAGUE - Portland confirmed as second finalists
Gary Tierney of Prestwick St. Nicholas confirmed that Troon Portland won their home match by 3.5 - 2.5 and then travelled to St. Nicholas to record a 4 - 2 win, for a 7.5 - 4.5 win overall.
Commenting on the semi final, Gary said
"Although St. Nicholas were disappointed to lose, the Portland team played very well both home and away and were worthy winners ".
Sunday, February 01, 2009
DOC THOM AYRSHIRE ORDER OF MERIT - entry form for Arrol Cup available to download
Forms will also be available through the usual channels.
The Arrol Cup is traditionally the final Doc Thom Ayrshire Order Of Merit qualifying event of the season.
It is hoped that other clubs will make their Doc Thom Order Of Merit counting event entry forms available through this site also.
Work is progressing on the fixture list of 2009 Order Of merit countinc competitions and will be published here as soon as it is completed.
AYRSHIRE WINTER LEAGUE - Welbeck book final spot
Although results have to be confirmed, it is believed that Troon Welbeck will meet near neighbours Troon Portland in the final, suggesting that the Portland team ousted defending champions Prestwick St. Nicholas in their semi final clash.
If any players or officials can confirm the latter and provide results, we will post them on the web page.