(SGU press release)

The Scottish Golf Union’s shareholders, comprising the sixteen Area Associations, voted 10 to 6 against the amalgamation proposal. This means the proposal in its current format has not received the required level of support by our shareholders and therefore amalgamation cannot proceed at this stage
The Scottish Golf Union Board is disappointed with the outcome of the Areas’ vote. The Board believes that the vote is contrary to the wishes of the majority of clubs they represent, which saw 263 affiliated clubs (89.2%) approve the amalgamation proposal from the 295 clubs (51%) that formally responded with their views.
The amalgamation proposal has also been strongly supported by the amateur game’s other key stakeholders, including the Scottish Ladies’ Golfing Association and its members (Clubs and Counties), major funders sportscotland and other commercial sponsors and partners.
The Scottish Golf Union’s commitment to supporting clubs, together with developing talent and growing the game, remains at the heart of our activities and we will continue to strengthen relationships with clubs to deliver against this strategy. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all clubs for their assistance and patience during this lengthy process.
The Scottish Golf Union Board believes that this result is a setback for the future development and governance of Scottish amateur golf. However, the Board takes heart from the fact that all 16 Areas have consistently reaffirmed their support for amalgamation and a commitment to finding a way to achieve amalgamation working with the Scottish Ladies’ Golfing Association.
The Board will continue to act in the best interests of Scottish golf and will meet on 6 June to consider how we can progress this important matter.
Whilst no official information has been forthcoming as to which way each area voted, information in the press last weeks indicated that the areas who had indicated they were certainly voting for the amalgamation proposals were :-
ANGUS (30 clubs/ 2 societies)
AYRSHIRE (65 clubs)
NORTH (59 clubs)
NORTH EAST (56 clubs/ 2 societies)
PERTH & KINROSS (38 clubs/ 5 societies)
BORDERS (21 clubs) indicated a U turn in their position during the week, after strong criticism from their member clubs, and are also thought to have voted for the proposals as a result.
Consequently, it would seem that the following areas are the 10 who voted against the proposals
ARGYLL & BUTE (26 clubs)
FIFE (50 clubs/ 5 societies)
GLASGOW (26 clubs/ 5 societies)
LANARKSHIRE (39 clubs/ 3 societies)
LOTHIANS (74 clubs/ 48 societies)
SOUTH (24 clubs)
STIRLINGSHIRE (17 clubs/ 1 society)
Where now for the process of amalgamation, and perhaps more importantly to clubs throughout the country, how is this decision likely to affect government funding and funding from sponsorship in the future, and consequently the ammount of funding the SGU will be seeking from the member clubs through the per capita subscriptions. ?.
If anyone has any views or comments on the whole amalgamation issue and the decisions made by the SGU and SLGA at the Special meetings this week, either email us at ayrshiregolf@fsmail.net or click on the little comment icon at the foot of this post and leave your views.
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