Monday, September 23, 2024

AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION A.G.M. - Initial AGM notice sent to club secretaries

The initial notice for the 2024 AGM of The Ayrshire Golf Association has been sent by email to the secretaries of all member clubs recently.

The Annual General Meeting of the Ayrshire Golf Association will be held  this year in Loudoun Gowf Club, Newmilns Road, Galston, KA4 8PA, on Tuesday the 22nd of  October 2024 at 7.30pm. 

The provisional agenda for the AGM is :-

1. Apologies

2. Minutes of AGM of 17.10.2023 

3. Matters Arising

4. Presidents report – to be forwarded in due course

5. Financial report – to be forwarded in due course

6. Ayrshire Junior League / Coaching Report – to be forwarded in due course

7. Election of Secretary/Treasurer

8. Election of General Committee

9. Area Subscriptions

10. AOCB

In accordance with the constitution, there will be five executive places available for three years at the AGM. There are also one vacancy for 1 year and one vacancy for 2 years available on the Executive committee. 

Under the constitution, Nominees must be a member of a club affiliated to The Ayrshire Golf Association and be proposed and seconded by members of affiliated clubs also.

The work of The Association Executive is varied and encompasses, amongst other things, Competitions, handicapping, team administration at all age groups, rules and working with the National body and local agencies in the promotion of golf in the county.

All matters for the AGM, any proposals from member clubs and nominations for above positions and Executive posts require to be in the hands of The Secretary, in writing, by Friday the 4th of October 2024 at the latest.

The final Agenda of the meeting, various reports, previous AGM minutes, annual balance sheet and budget proposals will be forwarded to club secretaries prior to the AGM and at this time clubs will be requested to advise if they will be represented at the AGM. All documentation will be forwarded by email in due course.

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