The 36 hole championship takes place this year at Largs Golf Club on Thursday 3rd August, and the entry fee is £10.
The event is open to any junior boy, under the age of 18 on 1st January 2017, who is a member of a club affiliated to The Ayrshire Golf Association and who has a handicap of 12 or less.
Entry forms should be available through member clubs and can also be downloaded from this web page, via the appropriate link on the left of the page, under the 'Juniors ' heading.
The players returning the best 8 aggregate scratch scores in the competition will go forward to contest the Ayrshire Boys Matchplay Championship at Prestwick Golf Club from 7th to 10th August.
For the avoidance of any doubt, no entries for the championship will be accepted on the day of the event, so any players thinking of playing are strongly advised to submit an entry form as soon as possible.
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