Please be advised that the Annual General
Meeting of the Ayrshire Golf Association will be held in Caprington Golf Club, Ayr Road, Kilmarnock, on Tuesday 25th October 2016 at 7.30pm.
The provisional agenda for the AGM is :-
- Apologies
- Minutes of AGM of 20/10/2015
- Matters Arising
- Presidents report – to
be forwarded in due course
- Financial report – to
be forwarded in due course
- Coaching report – to be
forwarded in due course
- Course rating report –
to be forwarded in due course
- Ayrshire Junior League
Report – to be forwarded in due course
- Election of President
- Election of Vice
- Election of
- Election of General
- SGL & Area
In accordance
with the constitution, there are four retiring members from the executive this
year. It is likely there will remain at least three other vacancies, for varying
periods of three, two and one year, on the Executive committee.
Clubs are
requested to encourage interested members to make contact with the Secretary or
Executive members for more information and if appropriate seek nomination for
the vacant posts.
Under the
constitution, Nominees must be a member of a club affiliated to The Ayrshire
Golf Association and be proposed and seconded by members of affiliated clubs
The work of The Association Executive is
varied and encompasses, amongst other things, Competitions, Course rating,
handicapping, team administration at all age groups, rules and working with the
National body and local agencies in the promotion of golf in the county.
All matters for the AGM, any proposals from
member clubs and nominations for above positions and Executive posts should be in the hands of The Secretary, in writing, by Friday 7th October at the latest.
It would be desirable if all member clubs could be represented by one or
two appointed representatives at the Annual General Meeting. One representative
will be permitted to vote on behalf of the club.
The final Agenda of the meeting, various reports, 2015 AGM
minutes, annual balance sheet and budget proposals will be forwarded to clubs
in shortly after 7th October, and at this time clubs will be
requested to advise if they will be represented at the AGM, and by whom if
possible. All documentation will be forwarded by email in due course.
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