Scottish Golf have recently clarified the latest easing of
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COVID- 19 restrictions relating to golf clubs, including identifying Monday 31st August as the scheduled date for clubhouse locker rooms and indoor driving ranges to be reopened, as well as the resumption of outdoor coaching arrangements.
Latest advise has also outlined changes in requirements for clubs providing catering services and clarified the position in respect of fourball groups going on to use the facilities in a clubhouse setting.
Details of the latest two releases by Scottish Golf are reproduced below:-
Scottish Golf wishes to make all affiliated clubs aware of new changes made to the Scottish Government's regulations for hospitality settings.
Effective immediately, it is now mandatory for hospitality venues to collect contact details of visitors to their premises in support of Test and Protect. The new regulations apply to all restaurants, cafes, pubs and hotels in which food or drink are sold for consumption on the premises.
Businesses must now record the name and contact number of an individual - or lead member of each household in a group - that visits the premises. They must also record the date of visit, the time of arrival, and where possible the departure time.
For golfers checking in for food or drink in clubhouses before play, they should check out when they take to the course, and back in again should they visit the clubhouse following their round.
The new regulations include customers, staff working on a particular day and visitors such as delivery drivers or cleaners. Premises must store the information for 21 days and share it when requested to do so by public health officers within 24 hours.
New statutory guidance for the hospitality sector has been published which explains how to keep a record of customer and visitor contact details securely ensuring data protection principles are upheld. To view this guidance, please click here.
The Scottish Government has also published updated guidance for hospitality customers to reinforce key safety measures. To view this guidance, please click here.
This includes the need to maintain physical distancing and the strict limits on the number of households that can meet at a time - 8 people from up to 3 households indoors and 15 people from up to 5 households outdoors.
While 4-balls from four households is permitted, it is important to note that this is not the case in clubhouse settings. We recognise this will pose clubs with a significant challenge but ask for your cooperation in adhering to the latest guidance to ensure everyone can continue to enjoy clubhouses being open at a time when the virus is still in circulation.
Following the First Minister's update on Thursday 20 August, Scottish Golf is now in a position to provide all Clubs with an updated version of our Phase 3 Guidance for all Golf Clubs and Golfers.
The following changes are effective:
From Monday 24 August:
Outdoor coaching activity in groups of up to 30 will be permitted.
From Monday 31 August:
Access to indoor locker rooms and storage areas is permitted for the dropping off and collection of sports equipment or clothing. The golf club should ensure mitigating actions are put in place to minimise the risk of virus transmission including physical distancing, hygiene and cleaning measures.
Indoor Driving Ranges may re-open and facilities should ensure mitigating actions are put in place to minimise the risk of virus transmission including physical distancing, hygiene and cleaning measures.