Saturday, April 02, 2022

COURSE RATING - Vacancies in Ayrshire for three new rating personnel

The Ayrshire course rating team have vacancies for 3 Course Rating personnel, as the group gear up for a busy season ahead.

The vital service to member clubs is essential to allow clubs to run counting competitions and administer handicaps under the World Handicapping Scheme.

When a golf course is rated, playing length and obstacle factors are evaluated, which allows the unique challenges of each golf course to be quantified. Following this thorough evaluation by a qualified rating team, a Course Rating and Slope Rating is issued for each set of tees. Since Course Rating teams are trained by Scottish Golf (an Authorized Association), each course’s rating is carried out with consistency and accuracy, which is vital to the integrity of the WHS.

A Course Rating represents the expected score for a scratch player (Handicap Index of 0.0) under normal playing conditions, while a Bogey Rating represents the expected score for a bogey player (Handicap Index 20.0 to 24.0). These two figures work together to calculate a Slope Rating, which is a measure of the relative difficulty of a golf course between the scratch player and all other players. In other words, the higher the Slope Rating of a golf course, the more strokes a higher-handicapped player will need to play that course on an equal basis to the scratch player.

By including a unified system for Course Rating under the WHS, a player can use their Handicap Index at any course, in any country, and have a fair and equal game with anyone, from whichever tees they most enjoy.

Any individuals who are interested in becoming involved in this aspect of the game are asked to contact the Ayrshire Course rating Convener Mike Hazlewood by email at

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