Wednesday, March 30, 2022

WEST OF SCOTLAND JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP - Entry now open for boys and girls

Entries are now being accepted for the 2022 West of Scotland Junior Championship, which will be hosted by the Dumbartonshire Golf Union at Hilton park Golf Club on Monday the 27th of June.

Formerly the West of Scotland Boys Championship, this year's event will also include a girls championship, after the six West of Scotland Area Associations agreed to the change, which was introduced after consultation with the West of Scotland Girls Golfing Association who were enthusiastic in their support for the new event.

Open to boys and girls from clubs in Ayrshire, Dumbartonshire, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, Stirlingshire and Argyll & Bute. In the first year the event will incorporate two individual 18 hole strokeplay competitions, one for boys and one for girls.

The boys returning the leading eight scratch scores will go on to contest the West of Scotland Boys Matchplay Championship as in previous years and, going forward, the possibility of introducing a similar girls matchplay event will be considered in future years.

The entry fee for the competition is £10 and entries can be submitted on line via the Dumbartonshire Golf Union website at


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