Wednesday, August 03, 2016

AYRSHIRE FOURBALL CHAMPIONSHIP - semi final line up complete

The line up for the semi finals of the 2016 Ayrshire Fourball Championship was completed last weekend with the last of the quarter final matches being played.

The first semi final will be between David & Iain Macdonald (Largs) and Greg Jarvie & David Parker (Crosshouse). The largs pair secured their place in the last four with a home win at the first extra hole against Gilbert & Paul Ferguson (Troon Welbeck).

The second semi final features David Sloan & John Barr Jr. (Doon Valley) and David Bain & Billy Scott (New Cumnock). The Doon Valley pair had a 2 & 1 win away from home over Mike Hazlewood & Keith McKenzie (Ayr Neptune) in the quarter finals.

The semi final matches are due to be completed by 28th August.

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