Tuesday, July 30, 2013

RICOH WOMENS BRITISH OPEN - Only UK major tees off at St Andrews this week

The Ricoh Womens British Open, the only women's major championship in the UK, tees off this Thursday over The Old Course at St Andrews.

Shona Malcolm, Alex Salmond, Connie Jaffrey & Catriona Matthew
On the first tee at The Old Course, St. Andrews
The top professional golfers from throughout the world will be taking part in the championship which is well worth a visit over the weekend.

The weeks events kicked off on Tuesday morning with the Pro Am event. An Ayrshire interest was in evidence with the new Scottish Girls Champion Connie Jaffrey from Kilwinning, a member of the Troon Ladies club teaming up with LGU Chief Executive Shona Malcolm from Prestwick, former Ricoh Womens Bruitish Open Champion Catriona Matthew and Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond. (Photo courtesy of Clubgolf)

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