Monday, April 15, 2013

BELLEISLE CUP - Entry forms available as Corum extend sponsorship of Doc Thom Ayrshire Order Of Merit event

Corum Estate Agents have extended their sponsorship of the Belleisle Cup, which now has an increased first prize voucher of £275, with increases in vouchers for second and third places also.

This year's Belleisle Cup will be held on Sunday 2nd June and entry forms are now available. These should be available through local clubs and can be downloaded from the Ayr Belleisle GC website or directly from this page, via the appropriate link on the left under the 'Mens Info' heading.
Sunday 2nd June 2013
HANDICAP LIMIT 6          Entry fee £12
The Annual Scratch Competition for the Belleisle Cup will take place at Ayr Belleisle on Sunday 2nd June 2013. 
Play shall be over two rounds of 18 holes stroke play.
Play shall be under R & A Rules and subject to Local Rules.
The Competition is open to amateur golfers having a handicap not exceeding 6 and who are members of a Club within one of the British Golf Unions.
Limited to 75 competitors.  Ballot if necessary.
Qualifying event for Doc.Thom Award and Evening Times Casket Tournament.
Entries shall be made through Club Secretaries and must be in my hands, accompanied by Entry Fees (£12 each)
 Entries received without entry fees will not be accepted.
All players will be responsible for ensuring that their score cards are signed immediately on completion of their round and returned to the competition office.
WINNER – Custody of BELLEISLE CUP for one year and voucher to the value of £275
RUNNER-UP - Voucher value £180                   THIRD - Voucher value £125
Fourth, Fifth, Six, Seventh and Eighth – Vouchers value £90, £70, £60, £50, £40 respectively
Competitors shall have the courtesy of the Course on Friday 31st May 2013 on production of an official entry and subject to availability. Tee times must be booked 7 days in advance.
Competitors shall be notified by postcard of starting times and must report 15 minutes before tee-off time.  Failure to appear timeously may result in disqualification.
First tee-off:  7.30 am.     In the event of ties, places decided on count-back.
Any dispute shall be referred to the Committee of Ayr Belleisle Golf Club whose decision shall be final.
Entries, entry fees, certification of handicap and enquiries to:


 Match Secretary, Ayr Belleisle Golf Club, 65 Forehill Road, Ayr KA7 3JR

Telephone:  07708 861569

(Cheques to be made payable to “Ayr Belleisle Golf Club”)

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