Saturday, March 09, 2013

WEST OF SCOTLAND INT ER COUNTY LEAGUES - Changes agreed for 2013 competitions

Representatives of the six West Of Scotland areas met at Sandyhills Golf Club on Thursday evening, 7th March, to discuss various proposals relating to the West Of Scotland Inter County Leagues.

As a result of a very constructive meeting, the area representatives agreed a number of items which will be included in the Boys, Mens and Youths leagues in 2013.

Some of the main points agreed were :-

1 - The number of players in teams for the A and Youths Leagues will be reduced from 10 to 8, bringing them into line with the Boys League. Youths matches and A team matches will continue to be played over five successive Sundays to include the last two in September and first three in October each year, with both matches beiong played on the same day as at present.

2 - The age limit for the Youths league will remain at Under 23.

3 - The Boys League will continue with teams of eight to include four under 16's and four under 18's. The under 16's will play in ties 1 - 4 and the under 18's in ties 5 - 8, although the order in which the players will go out in each of these age groupings will be at the discretion of team managers. Matches will continue to be played on Sundays in successive months from may through to September.

4 - Rolls & coffee prior to the match and a one course meal following will be provided in matches in all three leagues.

5 - Countback will now be on a tie difference basis rather than tie average basis as previously. In the unlikely event that a team defaults on a match the match will be recorded as an 8 - 0 win to the other side, for countback purposes.

6 - The constituent counties will have an annual meeting within 4 weeks of the last match played each season, in order to discuss any issues arising.

7 - Where possible trophies will be presented on ther day or at the first appropriate county dinner following the completion of the saeason's fixtures.

8 - For 2014 only, there will be a gap weekend in the competition on the weekend of 27 - 28 September, to avoid a clash with the Ryder Cup matches at Gleneagles.

9 - The present Rules will be adjusted this year to reflect the agreed changes, with a full rules revision being considered before the 2014 season.

10 - As well as notifying the Secretary of results, all areas undertook to copy results as soon as possible to the new web page forum at,  in order that match reports and current standings will be available on this site soon after matches are played.

11. It was also agreed to attempt to make available a five year projection of matches to all areas, to allow for planning of venues in advance.

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