Friday, January 09, 2009

AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION - Closing dates fast approaching for county events

The closing dates are rapidly approaching for entries into three of the major Ayrshire Golf Association events of the season.

Entries for the AYRSHIRE SUMMER (Scratch) LEAGUE are due to be submitted to the Secretary by 31st January 2009.

Entries for the AYRSHIRE FOURBALL KNOCKOUT trophy competition, cost £12, are due to be in the hands of The Secretary by 14th February 2009.

Entries for the AYRSHIRE CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS trophy competition, also costing £12, are due in by 21st February 2009.

Entry forms for all three competitions were forwarded to club secretaries some weeks ago.

Players likely to be involved in representing their club in any of the three competitions are advised to confirm with their club secretary that the entry is submitted by the due date.

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