Tuesday, August 27, 2024

AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION CHARITY GOLF DAY - Some spaces still available for Rowallan Castle event

With under three weeks to go until the inaugural Ayrshire Golf Association charity golf day, there are still a limited number of places available for more teams to enter.

Benefiting The Association's preferreed charity, Ayrshire Cancer Support, the texas scramble event takes place at Rowallan castle GC on Friday the 13th of September.

Entry fee for a team of four players is £200.

Competition and entry details are included on the attached poster, and the remaining places will be filled on a first come first served basis.

Many thanks to Rowallan Castle GC for supporting this initiative and to those who have already supported the event by entering a team.

This promised to be an enjoyable day of golf and anyone considering entering a team is encouraged to make contact as soon as possible to secure a place in the field.


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