Monday, March 25, 2024

AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION COACHING - Coaching programme continues at Prestwick GC

The Ayrshire Golf Association squad coaching sessions continued at Prestwick Golf Club on Sunday 24th of March with both the main squad and the development squad meeting to continue the development programme.

The main squad is pictured with coaches Richard Gordon (Ayr Belleisle) and David Fleming (Prestwick), along with Paul Moultrie from Mind Body Golf, who will be delivering other training aspects to the squad in the near future, and AGA Coaching Convenors Paul Kennedy & Andy Reid.

Sunday's session included on course development of course management and approach, to ensure the best possible outcome from evenry shot.

Members of the development squad ar pictured at Prestwick with coaching professionals Allan Todd (Prestwick) and Lee Hughes (Ayr Belleisle).

Other aspects of coaching will continue over the next few weeks as the squad members prepare for the 2024 season, and the coaching management will continue to monitor the development of the main squad and development squad members as the season progresses.

Coaching Convenors Paul Kennedy and Andy Reid would like to thank David, Richard, Alan, Lee and Paul for all their help with the coaching sessions for the elite squad and development squad. 

The Association would also like to thank Prestwick golf club for the use of their superb facilities and course, and the final thanks go to all the boys and girls and their families for getting all the players along to the sessions. 

Wishing all squad members the very best for the 2024 golf season.

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