Tuesday, May 16, 2023

PRESIDENT'S PUTTER - Three second round results outstanding.

Three second rounds ties in the handicap club team knockout competition for The President's Putter are still outstanding, as the line up for the last sixteen matches nears completion.

In recent fixtures Auchenharvie 88 won by 2-1 in their visit to play Abbotsford, whilst The Chase had a home win, by 2.5 - 0.5, over their visitors from Largs.

2-1 home wins saw Ayr Belleisle and Alton through to the last sixteen, at the expense of Troon St Meddans and Moorpark respectively.

West Kilbride also had a home win by 2-1 against Ayr Seafield, whilst Caprington visited their close rivals at Loudoun and came away with a 2-1 win.

The remaining fixture played saw Redburn secure a 3-0 win over their hosts from Ardeer.

The remaining three ties in round two are due to be completed by the 21st of May. 

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