Thursday, December 01, 2022

SCOTTISH GOLF - Three week freeze on WHS & CDH system announced

Scottish Golf have today issued the following information regarding the WHS Handicapping System and Central Database of Handicaps, which will affect players and handicapping during December 2022 and early January 2023. 

Important information regarding the WHS/CDH

**Please note that if you are already using the VMS platform, your customer account manager will be contacting you separately**
You may be aware that Scottish Golf is transitioning to a new technology provider at the end of 2022. This means the WHS/CDH will also be transitioning. To aid this, there will be a freeze period of three weeks imposed. Details of how this affects you are listed below.
What happens to the WHS and handicapping? 
  • The freeze period will take place from 15 December to 7 January 2023.
  • During this time, the Scottish Golf app cannot be used to submit general play scores. Clubs will also not be able to send scores during this period. 
  • If scores are submitted during this period, handicaps will not be updated in the new system.
  • Depending on the software supplier / ISV, scores submitted in this period could be added retrospectively. 
  • Any handicap recalculations will take place after 7 January, once the WHS has reactivated and scores submitted. 
How do I manage this at my club? 
  • ISVs have been made aware of the change
  • You will still have access to the WHS/CDH tab in your platform. However, we would ask that you do not make any changes from 15 December, as they will NOT be accepted. Once the new WHS is activated, this data will not appear, and you will have to manually re-enter it. 
  • A link to access the new WHS Clubhouse platform – including instructions on how to use the new system – will be sent in due course. 
  • Instructions on how to access the new app to view handicap dashboards, etc will be sent to all clubs in due course. 

If club representatives have any questions they can email the Scottish Golf handicapping team at

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