Saturday, July 23, 2022

AYRSHIRE BOYS' CHAMPIONSHIP - Entries still being taken as initial draw is announced.

The initial draw for order of play for the 2022 Ayrshire Boys' Championship, to be played at Loudoun Gowf Club on Thursday the 4th of August, has been announced.

The championship, which takes place over 36 holes, is a counting event for both the Ayrshire Junior Order of merit and the World Amateur Golf rankings, and this year will also be a qualifying competition for the Justin Rose Telegraph Junior Golf Championship.

The players returning the best eight scratch totals in the championship will progress to contest the Ayrshire Boys' Matchplay Championship, from Tuesday the 9th to Thursday the 11th of August.

The draw for order of play at the 2022 Ayrshire Boys' Championship is:-

Entries are still being taken for the event, until the 31st of July. Entry fee is £10 and entry forms should be available through member clubs, who can also submit a block entry form.

The individual entry form can also be downloaded via the appropriate link on the left of this page, under the 'Juniors' heading.

All prospective competitors should not that no entries on the day, or indeed after the closing date of the 31st of July, will be accepted.

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