Wednesday, May 18, 2022

WEST OF SCOTLAND JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP - Entry reminder for 2022 event

Junior golfers are reminded that entries for the 2022 West of Scotland Junior Championship close on Friday the 17th of June.

This year's championship, administered by the Dumbartonshire Golf Union, takes place at Hilton Park Golf Club on Monday the 27th of June.

Entry to the 18 hole strokeplay event is £10 and is open this year to both boys and girls.

The boys returning the best eight scratch scores will progress to contest the West of Scotland Boys Matchplay Championship over the same course on the 28th and 29th of June.

Details of the competition are available on the poster below.

Entry forms should be available through clubs, and can also be downloaded from the appropriate link on the left of this page, under the 'Juniors' heading. 

Players can also enter on line at


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