Monday, May 03, 2021

AYRSHIRE SENIORS CHAMPIONSHIP - Entries for 2021 competition at Rowallan Castle now invited

The 2021 Ayrshire Seniors Championship will take place at Rowallan Castle Golf Club on Tuesday the 13th of July, and entries are now invited for the competition.

The event is open to members of Ayrshire Golf Association member clubs who 50 years of age or over on the date of the competition, and have a handicap index f 36 or less.

Entries will be accepted and allocated times on a first come first served basis, up to the maximum entry for the event. Entries close on Saturday the 3rd of July at the latest, subject to availability of times.

The player returning the best net score of the day will hold the Sandy Provan Trophy for a year. There are also scratch prizes, handicap prizes in three age group categories, and nearest the hole prizes to be won.

Entry forms are available through member clubs and can also be downloaded via the appropriate link on the left of this page under the 'Entry Forms' heading. 

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