Friday, January 01, 2021

HAPPY NEW YEAR - Looking forward to county events in Ayrshire in 2021

With the advent of the new year, it is hoped that Ten Ayrshire Golf Association and member clubs can look forward to a full  calendar of events in the 2021 season, avoiding the disruption of 2020 which saw all county events cancelled and many club competitions fall by the wayside too.

Although the 2021 Ayrshire Golf Association Annual Dinner, normally held in February,  is already a casualty due to the lack of events in 2020 and the ongoing restrictions on indoor gatherings, planning is well under way for the county golf events in 2021, as we anticipate a return to a full county programme.

The provisional list of county competitions and fixtures is reproduced below.

The venues for these fixtures are subject to final confirmation.

Member clubs will be contacted soon to confirm the dates and arrangements for the open competitions that count towards the Doc Thom Ayrshire Order of Merit and the Junior Order of Merit, with the full list of events being circulated in due course.

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