Saturday, October 03, 2020

AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION A.G.M. - Papers sent to member clubs

Papers and annual reports relating to the 2020 A.G.M. of The Ayrshire Golf Association were emailed to all member clubs on Friday 2nd October.

The A.G.M was scheduled to take place on Tuesday 20th October, but due to the present COVID-19 restrictions, it has been proposed to deal with the A.G.M. business by completion of simple voting sheets this year, subject to the majority of member clubs bening comfortable with this approach.

The provisional A.G.M. agenda is:-

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of AGM of 22/10/2019 
  3. Matters Arising
  4. Presidents report 
  5. Financial report 
  6. Coaching report 
  7. Course rating report
  8. Ayrshire Junior League Report
  9. Election of President
  10. Election of Vice President
  11. Election of Secretary/Treasurer
  12. Election of General Committee
  13. SGL & Area Subscriptions
  14. AOCB

In accordance with the constitution, there are four retiring members from the executive this year (Allan Muir, Mike Hazlewood, Andy Gilligan & Barry O’Rourke). Allan Muir has indicated he will not stand for re-election and in addition Hugh McKenzie has intimated his intention to stand down at the date of the AGM.

It is likely there will remain at least four other vacancies, for varying periods of three, two and one year, on the Executive committee.

Clubs are requested to encourage interested members to contact the Secretary or Executive members for more information and if appropriate seek nomination for the vacant posts.

Under the constitution, Nominees must be a member of a club affiliated to The Ayrshire Golf Association and be proposed and seconded by members of affiliated clubs also.

The work of The Association Executive is varied and encompasses, amongst other things, Competitions, Course rating, handicapping, team administration at all age groups, rules and working with the National body and local agencies in the promotion of golf in the county.

All matters for the AGM, any proposals from member clubs and nominations for above positions and Executive posts require to be in the hands of The Secretary, in writing, by  Tuesday 13th October at the latest.  

As the current COVID-19 restrictions negate the possibility of holding a traditional AGM, it is intended, subject to the agreement of member clubs, to deal with business by completion of simple voting sheets this year. These will be distributed immediately after the closing date for acceptance of proposals for the AGM. In the event that a majority of member clubs are not comfortable with the proposed method of dealing with AGM business this year, alternative arrangements, incuding postponement or a virtual on line meeting will be considered.

The final Agenda of the meeting will be forwarded to member clubs immediately after 13th October,, along with a copy of the voting sheet, as appropriate,

If any member club has not  received the email and attached papers they should contact the Area Secretary as soon as possible at 

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