Monday, August 10, 2020

OPEN COMPETITIONS - Scottish Golf give the green light to the resumption of open golf competitions

Scottish Golf have given the go ahead for the resumption of Open Competitions, following recent negotiation over the elaxation of COVID-19 restrictions.

The latest statement from Scottish Golf on the subject was published this week, and is reproduced below:-

Since COVID-19 impacted us all back in March, we have worked tirelessly to protect our affiliated clubs, doing everything we could to ensure that all of our clubs survived this terrible crisis. 

Scottish Golf has remained in regular dialogue with the Scottish Government and has participated in the debate with a constant concern for public health and wellbeing, as well as expressing concern of the economic impact the pandemic is having on member clubs.

Our financial relief package has provided clubs with £570,000 worth of affiliation fee rebates and once our assessment process is complete, we will have delivered an additional £685,000 of funding to our affiliated clubs through the R&A club relief fund and COVID-19 fixed costs funds. As previously outlined, we made early decisions around our events and performance plans for 2020 to make these financial provisions.

As stated last week, we lobbied Government in the strongest possible way to resolve the contradictory guidelines in relation to Open Competitions. As has been the case throughout the last few months, through positive dialogue, the Government has taken onboard our representation and we are extremely pleased to advise that our affiliated clubs are now able to host qualifying Open Competitions. 

Our updated guide, with specific information relating to Open competition can be found on the Scottish Golf website. There are a number of additional measures that clubs will need to be cognisant of if they plan to run Open competitions and we ask everyone to ensure that they adhere in full to the steps outlined.  

Whilst this is good news for sport, this is still a public health emergency and the following key points have been highlighted by government in relation to this guidance change:

Organised and sanctioned open competitions must take place behind closed doors with; 

Only competitors and essential competition staff in attendance.

No spectators.

No family members (except for parents or guardians of children or vulnerable adults).

A register of all attendees should be maintained 

Travel to and from competition must not mix households i.e. no car sharing.

There is no shortage of evidence that the virus is still prevalent, and as a sport we must not drop our guard and ensure that we do everything we can to keep our golfers and golf clubs safe.  We urge all of our clubs and their members to comply with all Government Guidelines, both locally and nationally.

It has been a long journey back to this point for golfers and clubs and I would like to thank everyone who has played their part in adhering to the guidelines.

 Kind regards,

Karin Sharp 

Chief Operating Officer

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