Saturday, August 22, 2020

AYRSHIRE CHAMPIONSHIPS - 2020 events abandoned due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation

The Ayrshire Golf Association Executive recently took the difficult decision to abandon all the 2020 Ayrshire Championships, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Going forward with some events was considered, however a number of factors including the identification of venues and consideration of club members, who have already suffered courses being unavailable for much of the season and are now trying to catch up with club fixtures, when potentially requesting courses to hold county events.

The events primarily affected are the Ayrshire Strokeplay Championship, Ayrshire Matchplay Championship, Ayrshire Seniors Championship, Ayrshire Club Championship, Ayrshire Boys Championship and Ayrshire Boys Matchplay Championship. 

The executive hope that potential competitors and clubs alike will appreciate that much thought was given to the matter before the decision to abandon the fixtures was taken, and sincerely hope that a full programme of events will return in 2021.

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