Wednesday, May 13, 2020

WEST OF SCOTLAND GOLF - Current fixture position for 2020 season

The six West of Scotland Area Associations have agreed the following position regarding the remaining West of Scotland fixtures in 2020, which will be subject to a further review around the end of July.

The WEST OF SCOTLAND MENS STROKEPLAY which was originally due to be played at Gleddoch in may and was later rescheduled to September has now been cancelled for 2020. Renfrewshire will host the competition in 2021.

the WEST OF SCOTLAND BOYS CHAMPIONSHIP which was scheduled to be played in June at Rowallan Castle GC has been cancelled for this year. Ayrshire will host the event in 2021.

Fixtures in the WEST OF SCOTLAND INTER COUNTY A LEAGUE, in September and October 2020,  remain in place at present.

Fixtures in the WEST OF SCOTLAND INTER COUNTY YOUTHS LEAGUE, in September and October 2020, remain in place at present.

All fixtures in the WEST OF SCOTLAND INTER COUNTY BOYS LEAGUE, scheduled to be played from May through to September have been cancelled. The six Area Associations will review the position in July, with some format of event, either match fixtures or a one day event, to be considered later in the year if possible.

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