Sunday, June 23, 2019

WEST OF SCOTLAND BOYS CHAMPIONSHIP - Tournament under threat due to low entry level

The 2019 West of Scotland Boys Championship, is under threat of being cancelled due to the low number of entries submitted to date.

Hosted this year by the Renfrewshire Golf Union, the strokeplay championship is due to be played at Williamwood Golf Club on Monday 22nd July with the matchplay championship following on on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th July.

The closing date for entries to the event, which is a counting competition for the Ayrshire Junior order of merit, should be Sunday 23rd June, but organisers have indicated that the entry levels will be considered towards the end of the coming week to decided whether the championship will go ahead.

The entry fee for the competition is £10 and the handicap limit is 12.

Entry forms can be downloaded from the appropriate link on the left of the Ayrshire Golf Association web page at, under the 'Entry Forms' heading, and on line entries can also be made via the Renfrewshire Golf Union website at

All eligible players are encouraged to enter the event as soon as possible in order to ensure that the competition takes place this year.

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