Monday, October 28, 2013

AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION AGM - No rise in subscriptions for 2013 - 14

Representatives from fifteen member clubs attended the AGM of The Ayrshire Golf Association at Caprington GC on Monday 21st October, with apologies received from a further seven member clubs.

The 2013 - 2014 Ayrshire Golf Association Executive
Back Row :- John Rushbury, Vice President James McMurdo, John Duncan, Hugh McKenzie, Allan Muir, Scott Gilchrist, Robert Wilson, Secretary & Past President Alasdair Malcolm, Mike Hazlewood & Cliff Francis.
Front Row :- Past President David J Miller, Past President Ronnie Potts, President Milton Murray, Past President and current SGU President Iain Harvey, Past President Ricky Magee

The meeting approved the Presidents report, financial report, coaching report, course rating report, Ayrshire Junior Golf League report and Scottish Golf Union report, which had all been circulated to member clubs prior to the meeting.

During the evening, discussions took place on a number of matters relating to golf in the county, and in particular there was considerable debate on the transition from the ClubGolf initiative into club membership and the retention of members within clubs.

President Milton Murray (Irvine) and Vice President James McMurdo (Ballochmyle) continued into their second year in office without re election being required.

Alasdair Malcolm (Prestwick St Nicholas) was re elected as Secretary / Treasurer whilst Ronnie Potts (Irvine Ravenspark) was re elected as SGU representative for a second year.

Ricky Magee (Caprington) and Iain Harvey (Kilmarnock Barassie) were re elected to the Area Executive.

Three vacancies for three years and two vacancies for two years remain on the AGA Executive. Any member of an AGA member club with an interest in becoming involved in the work of the Area Association, should make contact with the President or Secretary if they would like further information.

Secretary Alasdair Malcolm advised the members present that the SGU Per capita subscription for 2013 - 2014 would rise by 30 pence to £10.60.

The meeting unanimously approved the proposal from  The executive that the Ayrshire Golf Association per capita subscription would remain unchanged for the forthcoming year, at £2.20.

Clubs will receive their area subscription forms in due course, along with entry forms for a number of competitions in the 2014 season.

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