Sunday, May 26, 2013

BELLEISLE CUP - Limited places still available

There are still a few spaces available for the Belleisle Cup, which is scheduled to be played over the Ayr Belleisle course on Sunday 2nd June.

The 36 hole scratch event, sponsored by Corum, is a counting event for the Doc Thom Ayrshire Order Of Merit.

Handicap limit is 6 and the entry fee is £12.

Prizes will be awarded to the top eight players in the competition with the winner receiving a voucher for £275 this year along with custody of the prestigious trophy for the year.

Competitors will have courtesy of the course on Friday 31st May for a practice round, subject to availability, and on production of proof of entry.

Enquiries for a late entry should be directed to the club Match Secretary, ROBERT MORRISON, 65 Forehill Road, Ayr KA7 3JR or by telephone on 07708 861569


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