Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SGU BOYS ORDER OF MERIT - Former invitational event now open to all

The 2012 SCOTTISH HYDRO BOYS ORDER OF MERIT, formerly the SGU Boys Order of Merit, will break new ground this year with significant changes in in conditions and counting events.

Entry Forms for Scottish Hydro Boys Order of Merit events are available to download by visiting the SGU website   and it should be noted that Scottish Hydro Junior Tour events now require eligible players to enter by completing the relevant entry form i.e. entry to Junior Tour events is no longer by invitation only.

In addition, for the first time Area Association Boys Stroke Play Championships and the individual round in the Dunfermline Building Society Scottish Boys Area Team Championship will be included in the Order of Merit. The Ayrshire Boys Championship, scheduled for Thursday 2nd August at Largs, will therefore be a counting event in 2012.

Furthermore, conforming distance measuring devices (DMDs) will be permitted in all championships/events organised directly by the SGU.

They will not however be permitted in The Boys Amateur Championship organised by The R&

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