Saturday, July 23, 2011

GIRLS GOLF - Entries sought for West Kilbride Girls Open competition

2010 competitors & prizewinners
The ever popular West Kilbride Girls Open Competition takes place this year on Saturday 27th August from 2.30.p.m.

There are two competitions within the event, one for girls holding a CONGU handicap and one for girls who do not hold a handicap.

The handicap competition is open to any girl who possesses a CONGU handicap, who is under 18 years of age on 1st January 2011.

The Nancy Chisholm trophy will go to the girl returning the best scratch score whilst the Kandy Bar Cup is up for grabs for the best nett score. There will be aditional prizes awarded on a divisional basis.
West Kilbride GC
The pre handicap competition for the June Kerr Trophy will be played over 9 holes on a shortened course and will include age group prizes.

The closing date for entries is 10th August.

Entry forms are available to download direct from this site via the appropriate link under the 'ladies / juniors info' headings and further information can be found on the West Kilbride GC website or by contacting the West Kilbride Lady Captain June Kerr.

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