Monday, March 07, 2011

JUNIOR CLUB COACHING GRANTS - Scheme continued into 2011

The Ayrshire Golf Association Club Coaching Grant Scheme will continue in 2011 with application forms now available to clubs.

The scheme allows member clubs to apply for a coaching grant of up to £150 to assist with professional junior coaching within their club.

On approval the club will be notified and on completion of the coaching schedule the nominated professional will apply for payment and be paid direct by The Association as agreed.

Whilst the grant is provided to assist coaching schemes within member clubs, it is hoped that the clubs themselves will at least match fund any approved schedule of coaching for their juniors.

Application forms can be downloaded via the link on the left of this page under the 'Juniors Info' heading.

Available funds are limited and clubs intending to apply for the grant are encouraged to do so at an early stage.

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