Monday, January 24, 2011

DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES - Use of DMD's approved for all Ayrshire County Events in 2011

At the recent meeting of the Ayrshire Golf Association Executive the use of Distance Measuring Devices was discussed and it was agreed to allow the use of Distance Measuring Devices in all Ayrshire Golf Association events in 2011.

This will include the Strokeplay and Matchplay Championships at both mens and boys levels as well as the season long events such as the Fourball, Champion Of Champions and Summer League competitions.

It should be noted that, in keeping with the Rules Of Golf, only devices which measure DISTANCE ONLY are permitted and if any device with a function to measure other factors such as wind speed, temperature or gradient is used, then a player will be liable to disqualification, regardless of whether such a function is actually used by the player.

The following Local Rule will be applicable to all events administered by The Ayrshire Golf Association in 2011 :-

" In all county competitions administered by The Ayrshire Golf Association a player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only. If during a stipulated round a player uses a distance measuring device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g. gradient, windspeed, temperature etc., the player is in breach of rule 14-3, for which the penalty is disqualification, regardless of whether any such function is actually used ".

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