Sunday, June 20, 2010

AYRSHIRE FOURBALL - Two more through to quarter finals

Two more teams have booked their place in the quarter finals of the 2010 Ayrshire Fourball Championship.

John Brodie & Alan Smeeton (Chase) recorded a 2 & 1 home win over Scott & Jim Brown (Girvan) and now face a trip to either Irvine or Moorpark in the last eight.

After a superb match which included 12 birdies, Alastair Brown & Roger Thyne (Kilmarnock Barassie) defeated their visitors Michael & Stephen Holland (Troon Welbeck) by 2 & 1 and are now at home to Andrew Stewart & Martin Scott (Irvine Ravenspark) in the quarter finals.

The remaining five third round matches are due to be completed by 28th June.

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