Thursday, April 08, 2010

CHARITY GOLF MARATHON - Callum Stewart bids to help Ayrshire Hospice in memory of dad

On 29th June 2010 Callum Stewart (Ayr Belleisle) will attempt to play golf continuously around Millport Golf Club from sunrise to sundown to raise funds for the Ayrshire Hospice in memory of his father, Gordon Stewart, who sadly passed away from cancer on 25.12.2008.
Callum, 19, is a student studying Biology at St. Andrews University, and on this summer he will be taking on a challenge that could see him play 6 rounds of golf in one day, walking over 25miles with his clubs and hitting over 500 shots. When not at university Callum lives at home with his family at Ewenfield Gardens in Ayr and is a former pupil at Belmont Academy.

The Ayrshire Hospice helped Callum and his family through a tough time when his father was diagnosed with cancer. They provide free palliative care to patients and their families with cancer and other life limiting illnesses. As such they rely entirely on donations and get very little contribution from the health board and require fundraising of up to £3.8m annually.

“Millport was where my father’s side of the family were based when they were younger and they spent many holidays on the island. My grandparents retired there and it became a frequent holiday destination for my family. My father was club champion 6 times and my uncle was club champion 7 times and an honorary life member. I have been a member of the club for the past ten years and played there frequently during the summer and have also represented the Millport senior team on a number of occasions.

“I plan to play from about 4.30am – 10.30pm, using the long Scottish daylight in the summer,” says Callum.
He’s going to invite many of his father’s friend’s to come and join him during the day to play a round.
“My initial fundraising target was £1,000 but the response from some people already has been fantastic I think I will manage to pass this and set a new target well before the event. I set up the fundraising page a few days ago and I already have £210.”

“I have no idea how I am going to manage this,” says Callum who plays off a handicap of 4. “The most golf I’ve played in a day before is 2 rounds and I’m usually gone after that. Once my university exams are out the way in May I will be doing a lot of fitness training as well as practicing my golf. I honestly think half-way through the day I will get very tired but it won’t matter as I will be able to carry on mentally.”

The hard work will all be worthwhile for Callum if he succeeds in raising over £1,000 for The Ayrshire Hospice. "When Dad was moved in to the hospice it was a very tough time for us. But they went out their way to do anything they could to make his and our lives easier. "The Ayrshire Hospice has done so much for us, now it's time I did something for them. They have a very dedicated team of fundraisers and volunteers and if I can help them out by playing golf I will.”

Callum is also planning a series of stunts as well as inviting his father’s old friends for a round. “I said to myself if we reached the target of £1000 I would do something wacky, like play a round in my some fancy boxers or a huge animal costume. I am well known around the club for my rather bright trousers and will certainly bring out a few pairs for the occasion. Someone suggested a Borat mankini but somehow I don’t think the local members would approve too much! I’m still open to ideas though.”Callum is a keen sportsman who as well as golf, plays volleyball for St. Andrews university and Team Fife, as well as recently trying out for the Scottish Universities team. He enjoys playing cricket during the summer months and has a part-time job for the ESPN-owned website Cricinfo."My university friends have been very generous and I hope others will sponsor me if they can," said Callum. "Even a couple of quid makes a difference and means The Ayrshire Hospice can continue their invaluable work supporting families like mine. And don’t forget to the Gift Aid box if you’re eligible.”You can sponsor Callum by visiting his online fundraising page on You can pay by credit or debit card, and the money will go directly to The Ayrshire Hospice. Where supporters are UK taxpayers, the charity will automatically receive 28% extra in Gift Aid, which makes Justgiving the most efficient way of sponsoring Callum.


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See Callum’s own facebook page at

For further information about the Ayrshire Hospice please visit

For further information on, please contact Mike Wells on 0845 021 2110.

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