Monday, June 29, 2009

JUNIOR COACHING - Clubs invited to apply for coaching grants

Application forms have been released this week for Ayrshire golf clubs to apply for a coaching grant, up to the value of £150, to assist in coaching provision within thier own clubs.

In a change to the proceedure last year, club representatives are asked to apply for the grant on behalf of their club, outlining the proposed coaching programme and providing details of the professional being used to deliver the coaching.

On approval, the club representative will be provided with a form to pass to the professional concerned which will require to be completed at the conclusion of the coaching programme, endorsed by the club representative, and thereafter returnd by the professional direct to the Ayrshire Golf Association for payment.

The application form for grant approval is available as a download from the link on the left of this page, under the Junior Order Of merit, Entry Forms & Coaching heading.

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