Friday, August 03, 2007

AYRSHIRE BOYS CHAMPIONSHIP - Brown bounces back to take boys title

Euan Brown (Kilmarnock Barassie) bounced back in spectacular style from the disappointment of losing in the last 32 of the Scottish Amateur Championship on Thursday morning, when he won the Ayrshire Boys Championship at Ballochmyle in the late evening, in a marathon effort which saw him play a total of 48 holes of golf on Thursday.

Brown, who was beaten by 7 & 6 at Prestwick in the national championship made a dash to Ballochmyle for the boys event and, with the help of competition organisers and other competitors who agreed to move to other groupings within the competition, a space in the last match out was made available to Brown, which he arrived for with only 10 minutes to spare.

In the morning round it ws Rory Acheson (Largs Routenburn) who set the early pace with a 2 over par 72, with Andrew Wright (Kilmarnock Barassie) one further back on 73.

Acheson's score of 72 was soon matched by his brother, Jamie, and remained the best of the morning until Euan Brown, obviously unaffected by his dash to the course, returned a level par 70 to lead the field.

In the afternoon, the early target was set by Colin Robinson (Millport) with 76 - 70 for a 146 total,which was ultimately only bettered by two others in the field.

First to overtake Robinson was Jamie Acheson (Largs Routenburn) who added a tweo under par 68 to his morning 72 for a level par score of 140.

Despite good scoring, none of the other competitors could challenge Robnson's total until the last match where Euan Brown managed to better his morning effort by one stroke, returning a one under par 69 for a 139 total which gave him the 2007 Ayrshire Boys Championship by a single stroke.

The best nett return of the day belonged to 9 handicapper Michael Mullen, of the host club. a morning score of 71 nett was eclipsed in the afternoon when Mullen scored 65 for a 136 total.


EUAN BROWN (Kilmarnock Barassie) - 70/69 = 139
JAMIE ACHESON (Largs Routenburn) - 72/68 = 140
COLIN ROBINSON (Millport) - 76/70 = 146
ADAM FOLEY (Ayr Belleisle) - 74/75 = 149
CAMERON GRAY (West Kilbride) - 75/75 = 150


MICHAEL MULLEN (Ballochmyle) (9) - 71/65 = 136
MARTIN RONALD (Irvine Ravenspark) (8) - 72/66 = 138
JACK McDONALD (Kilmarnock Barassie) (6) - 69/70 = 139

Prizes were presented by Ayrshire Golf Association President, Ricky magee (Caprington).

The players returning the top eight scratch aggregate scores will contest the Ayrshire Boys Matchplay Championship at Prestwick next week. The draw for the matchplay will be published at the weekend.

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