Sunday, July 08, 2007

AYRSHIRE SUMMER LEAGUE - Competition for semi final places hots up as Turnberry withdraw from the competition.

As a result of difficulties in raising teams for matches, Turnberry have withdrawn from the 2007 Ayrshire Summer League competition.

Consequently, all points from the matches that Turnberry have already played have been cancelled.

Despite the withdrawal, competition for the four semi final places is keen, with the result of all four league still in doubt.

In LEAGUE 1, Tam O Shanter restored their hopes, whilst denting Troon Welbeck's aspirations, with a 3.5 - 2.5 home win in their recent match.

present positions in the section are :-

LOUDOUN - played 3 / 8 pts (+6)
TROON WELBECK - played 4 / 8 pts (+ 3)
TAM O SHANTER - played 3 / 6 pts (- 4)
AYR BELLEISLE - played 4 / 6pts (-5)

REMAINING FIXTURES :- Welbeck Vs. Loudoun, Tam O Shanter Vs. Belleisle, Loudoun Vs. Tam O Shanter, Belleisle Vs. Welbeck & Tam O Shanter Vs. Loudoun.

In LEAGUE 2, a recent away 3 - 3 draw at Kilmarnock (Barassie) consolodated Irvine (Bogside)' splace at the top, whilst West Kilbride maintained their hopes with a 4 - 2 home win over Caprington

Present positions in the section are :-

IRVINE (BOGSIDE) - played 4 / 14 pts
WEST KILBRIDE - played 4 / 8 pts
KILMARNOCK (BARASSIE) - played 4 / 6 pts
CAPRINGTON - played 4 / 4 pts

REMAINING FIXTURES :- Caprington Vs. Barassie, West Kilbride Vs. Irvine, Barassie Vs. West Kilbride & Irvine Vs. Caprington

In LEAGUE 3, Ballochmyle beat Ardeer by 5.5 - 0.5 at home, and now require to win their final match, at home to Moorpark, to carry on the defence of their title. Present positions in the section are :-

BALLOCHMYLE - played 3 / 8 pts
ARDEER - played 3 / 6 pts
MOORPARK - played 2 / 2 pts

REMAINING FIXTURES :- Moorpark Vs. Ardeer & Ballochmyle Vs. Moorpark

In LEAGUE 4, the withdrawal of Turnberry leaves only three teams. A recent 4.5 - 1.5 home win for New Cumnock over Irvine ravenspark leaves all three teams in with a chance of the semi finals, with only two fixtures remaining. Present positions are :-

IRVINE RAVENSPARK - played 3 / 6 pts (+ 1)
NEW CUMNOCK - played 3 / 6 pts (-1)
TROON ST. MEDDANS - played 2 / 4 pts

REMAINING FIXTURES :- New Cumnock Vs. St. Meddans & St. Meddans Vs. Ravenspark

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