Monday, April 09, 2007

AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION - 2007 Fourball Championship under way

The quest for the 2007 Ayrshire Fourball title is under way with two of the first round ties being completed this week.

Irvine (Bogside) pair, T. Adrain & J. Patrick had a 4 & 3 first round home win over D & L. McBirnie of Kilbirnie Place and now have a home tie against the Braehead team of Sean Ingle & Andy Paton in round 2.

William Borwn & William Hunter of Doon Valley travelled away from home in round 1 and returned a 2 & 1 victory over Robert Gillon & I Flyn of Alton.

The Doon Valley pair were rewared with a home tie in round 2, against Luke Facchini & Chris Todd of Ayr Belleisle.

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