Wednesday, December 27, 2006

AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION - Fourball Final to be played next month

The postponed final of the 2006 Ayrshire Fourball competition has been rescheduled for January 2007.

The final match, between Ronnie McLelland and Tom Bennett of Turnberry and the Ayr Belleisle pairing of Ian Yates and Derek Brown was first attempted on 24th September but was abandoned at the 11th hole due to weather and ground conditions.

Due to various business committments of the finalists, injuries and pending family additions, the rescheduling of the match has proved somewhat difficult, however the match has now been arranged and will be played

at Kilmarnock (Barassie)
Sunday 28th January 2007
at 11.00 a.m.

best of luck to both teams in the final !!!

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