Monday, December 13, 2004

AYRSHIRE JUNIOR GOLF LEAGUE - Annual General Meeting - Caprington take Chairmans position

14 of the 19 member clubs were represented at the 37th Annual General Meeting of The Ayrshire Junior Golf League which was held at Prestwick St. Cuthbert Golf Club last week.

The Secretary reported a healthy financial position during the Treasurers report and consequently there was no proposal to raise the subscription, the club contributions remaining the same as in 2004.

There were no new applications for membership this year, and no resignations to date.

The Secretary also reported on a very succesful Annual Dinner which attracted 125 participants.
A number of letters of appreciation had been received, including those from Richard Cole-Hamilton, Captain of the R & A, S.G.U. President Hugh Hunter and David Reynolds of the National Playing Fields Association.

The outgoing Chairman, Gordon Cunningham (Largs) expressed his thanks to the Secretary, Assistant Secretary and club representatives for their contribution to what was a very enjoyable year for him as a league official.

The Chairman then Proposed that the Vice Chairman, Douglas Aitken (Caprington) be elected to the chair. On accepting the nomination on behalf of Caprington, Douglas Aitken advised that, due to his impending move abroad, he had arranged for the Ayrshire Golf Association Vice President, Ricky Magee, to take on the post after his departure. This arrangement was met with approval by the membership.

On taking the chair, Douglas Aitken proposed that Troon Welbeck be elected to the Vice Chairmans position. Ayrshire Golf Association Past President, Robin Baker, accepted the position to represent Troon Welbeck as Vice Chairman of The League.

Secretary Alasdair Malcolm (Prestwick St. Cuthbert) and Assistant Secretary Alastair Graham (Prestwick St. Cuthbert) were both re-elected for a 16th season.

The meeting concluded with a coaching report and duscussions on a number of minor matters.

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