Saturday, August 07, 2004


Defending champion Tommy McInally (Loudoun) remains on course for a second successive title after the semi finals of the Champion Of Champions were played over Royal Troon on Friday.

In the first semi final, McInally faced Jamie McCormack of Ayr Dalmilling. McInally laid the foundation of his semi final win over the first nine, turning for home with a 4 hole lead. McInally maintained his 4 hole advantage for the remained of the match running out a 4 & 3 winner to gain a place in the final.

In the second semi final, Graham Johnston of Royal Troon faced John Sloan from Doon Valley. Sloan held a 2 hole lead at the turn and extended the lead to dormie 3. Johnston however was not easily beaten, taking successive holes to take the tie to the last. At the final hole, Sloan drove into the bunker on the right, which had ended Greg Normans hopes in the 1989 Open Championship, and was only able to chip out sideways. Sloan then produced one of the shots of the day, laying his third some 6 feet from the pin. Johnston, in good position from the tee, pulled his second into the left greenside bunker. With a difficult stance, Johnston failed to extracate his ball from the hazard and subsequently conceded, giving Sloan a 2 hole victory.

Tommy McInally and John Sloan will now meet in the final, again at Royal Troon, next friday, 13th August with a 5.00 p.m. tee off.

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