Friday, July 19, 2024

AYRSHIRE WOMEN'S CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS TROPHY - Debbie Watt and Audrey Thompson meet again in second successive final

The 2024 final of the Ayrshire Women's Champion of Champions Trophy will be a re-run of last years final after defendig champion Debbie Watt (Ayr Belleisle Ladies) and 2023 runner up Audrey Thompson (Loudoun) both won their semi final matches recently.

Debbie hosted Liz Keohone (Loudoun) in the semi finals ad won through with a 5&4 victory while Audrey hosted Pauline Patrick (Irvine) and booked her place in the final with a 3&2 victory.

The final is scheduled to be held at the Old Course at Royal Troon on Friday the 9th of August.

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