Thursday, June 13, 2024

DOC THOM AYRSHIRE MEN'S ORDER OF MERIT - Graeme Gimson leads at half way stage

Graeme Gimson (Prestwick St Cuthbert) has moved into the lead in the Ayrshire Men's Order of Merit, for the Doc Thom Salver, with half of the 20 qualifying events this season now completed.

A joint third place finish in the recent Belleisle Cup moved Gimson to the top of the table, ahead of Steven McCreadie Jr. of Ayr Belleisle (pictured) who moved into second place following a two stroke victory in the Corum sponsored Belleisle Cup with a two round total of 136.

Alan Mclean (Largs) moved into third place in the order of merit following his fifth place finish at Belleisle.

The next two counting events are the Mcgilchrist Cup at Ardeer on the 15th of June and The Gowf Cup at Loudoun on the 30th of June.

Present positions in the Ayrshire Men's Order of Merit are:-

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