Monday, December 05, 2022

AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION AGM - Member clubs support proposals to develop fully representative regional body

 At the recent Ayrshire Golf Association Annual General Meeting, held in October at Loudoun Gowf Club, the member clubs present approved alterations to the constitution of The Association to allow the county body to develop as a fully representative body for all members of the member clubs, regardless of gender.

before the constitutional changes, The Association only represented the male members of member clubs, providing competitive and representative opportunities in various formats, and the changes will now allow The Association to extend the playing opportunities to encompass the female members of member clubs too.

The changes will allow the Association, and the clubs in Ayrshire to develop an appropriate and relevant body in the county to provide a representative platform and equality of opportunity for the membership of Ayrshire clubs.

Several competitions are being considered for development at an initial stage, and in an effort to identify relevant events and formats best suited to the female members of member clubs. a discussion forum for representatives of member clubs, and other clubs considering joining The Association following the recent constitutional changes, is being held to collate the most appropriate events to develop in the future.

The Association look forward to working along with member clubs and their memberships in general to enhance the opportunities for clubs and individuals alike going forward, as a result of the recent AGM decision.

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