Tuesday, January 24, 2012

SCOTTISH GOLF AMALGAMATION - SGU reaffirm commitment to progress amalgamation

The Scottish Golf Union (SGU), in consultation with the Scottish Ladies’ Golfing Association (SLGA), remains committed to working towards a unified body in the Home of Golf.

Following a series of encouraging meetings of an SGU working group, the findings were presented at the SGU’s Annual General Meeting at Tulliallan Police College on Sunday 22 January 2012.

Discussions were very positive and it is hoped that further dialogue with the SLGA can recommence.

A statement from the SGU Board said: “There has been much work undertaken by the SGU Areas and Board on this matter in recent times.

“The culmination was a workshop yesterday and there have been many very positive discussions, not just yesterday but in recent weeks.

“There remains more work to do and then to engage with the SLGA, which we look forward to doing as soon as possible.”

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