Saturday, December 12, 2009

AYR DALMILLING - Succesful campaign brings golf development forum for South Ayrshire into focus

Report by Brian Milligan (Ayr Seafield GC)

the successful campaign run by Ayrshire Dalmilling Action Group (ADAG) resulted in South Ayrshire Council taking the rare step of reconsidering its earlier decision to close Dalmilling Golf Course earlier this year.

The ADAG members are Michael Balfour & Tony Crichton (Captain & Vice-Captain of Dalmilling GC), Jackie Ridge & Gillian Henderson (Captain & Vice-Captain of Dalmilling Ladies GC), Stewart Graham & Charles Hamilton (founder members of Dalmilling GC), Brian Dunlop (Dalmilling GC member and former European Tour Caddy), Joan Downs (Dalmilling Ladies GC).

In addition, four others were invited to join ADAG in light of relevant experience: Jack Boyd (retired solicitor & member of Turnberry & Royal Troon), Bruce Collier (retired Director of Trading Standards with Strathclyde Regional Council & South Ayrshire Council), Brian Milligan (retired Revenue Manager with Strathclyde Regional Council & East Ayrshire Council & Secretary of Ayr Seafield) and Billy Frew (Media & PR Consultant & Web Designer & Vice-Captain of Ayr Seafield Golf Club).

In addition to its 'U-Turn' on the Dalmilling closure, the Council has set up a 'Strategic Group - Development of Golf in South Ayrshire' and the first full meeting was on 12 October 2009. Non-Council participants are Tim Morrison (member of Turnberry, Prestwick & the R&A), Hamish Gray (SGU CE), Jack Boyd, Jackie Ridge and myself from ADAG. The group will be expanded to include others in due course.

Brian provided a copy of the full Council report of 7 October 2009 that was endorsed by elected members and ensured the continuation of Dalmilling Golf Course and its constituent members' clubs. The majority of the report's contents were matters submitted by ADAG and a lot of hard work and negotiations went on 'behind the scenes' in order to achieve our outcome.

The full content of the report can be viewed via the link on the left of this page under the "Golf Links" section.

Brian commented
"What we now have is a very positive and pro-active attitude within South Ayrshire Council regarding the future of municipal golf within its boundaries and an excellent working relationship with Harry Garland, the relevant departmental director, and his assistant Roddy MacDonald who authored the report. I should add that neither of these two officials were directly involved in golf administration within the Council when the original report recommending closure was adopted in February 2009".

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