Sunday, October 19, 2008

WEST OF SCOTLAND INTER COUNTY LEAGUE - Ayrshire youths maintain fine form

Report by David Miller :-

The Ayrshire Youth Team followed up last week’s excellent away victory over Lanarkshire with an equally impressive 7 ½ – 2 ½ home victory over Dunbartonshire at Kilmarnock (Barassie) on Saturday 18th October.

High winds and heavy showers made early conditions extremely testing but Kyle Smith and Jamie Mackay led the way by posting crucial early wins by 6 & 5 and 5 & 3 respectively. Michael Smyth weighed in with a 3 & 2 scoreline before Scott Brown produced a superbly controlled long iron approach into the 17th to see off the challenge of John Henry by 2 & 1. Craig McLaughlin made it five wins out of five by securing a comfortable 3 & 2 win over Gary Meechan before Dunbartonshire mounted a mini recovery by taking 2 ½ points from the next three matches. Solid victories by Graeme Gimson and Scott Clark however, saw Ayrshire comfortably over the line to complete a comprehensive victory.

Match details (Ayrshire names first) :-

Kyle Smith (Kilmarnock Barassie)beat G Minnes by 6&5
Jamie Mackay (Kilmarnock Barassie) beat T Sharkey by 5&3
Michael Smyth (Royal Troon)beat S Darras by 3&2
Scott Brown (Turnberry)beat J Henry by 2&1
Craig McLaughlin (Largs)beat G Meechan by 3&2
Jamie Acheson (Routenburn)lost to S Moore by 2&1
Rory Acheson (Routenburn)lost to C Nelson by 2&1
Stuart Henderson (Kilmarnock Barassie)halved with E Grimes
Graeme Gimson (St. Cuthbert)beat I Stewart by 2 holes
Scott Clark (Belleisle)beat R Coll by 4&3

Match Result – Ayrshire 7 ½ - Dunbartonshire 2 ½

The corrsponding full team match against Dumbartonshire was called off on Saturday morning.

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