Monday, September 08, 2008

WEST OF SCOTLAND UNDER 18 LEAGUE - Ayrshire defeated by Glasgow

(report by David Miller)

Ayrshire’s Under 18 Team saw their bid for this year’s West of Scotland Boy’s Team Championship come to shuddering halt after suffering a a heavy 6 ½ - 1 ½ defeat at the hands of Glasgow over Cowglen on Sunday 31st August.

The boys went into the match with high hopes following two fine victories over Lanarkshire and Dunbartonshire but they struggled to adapt to the heavy conditions following recent heavy rain.

Ayrshire were on the back foot from the outset with the four under 16 matches running into trouble early on. Marc Smith saw an early advantage slip away as he was edged out 2&1 by Gary Foley whilst Fraser Kerr, Jack McDonald and David Wilson all suffered at the hands of some solid golf by the home side.

Kyle Smith did his bit in an attempt to turn things around by producing some outstanding play in his 8&7 trouncing of Mark Murphy. Scott Clark enjoyed a fine debut but just failed to edge out Paul Laughlin in a halved match whilst Colin Robinson never got going in his 4&3 defeat against Graeme McDougall.

The match of the day was anchor-man Scott Brown’s tussle with the in-form Mark Bookless. Brown’s gutsy performance produced a slender lead going into the latter stages of the match but Bookless punished a couple of late mistakes to take the match on the last green and deny Brown a deserved half point.

All in all a disappointing day for the Ayrshire squad but credit has to go to the Glasgow boys who made home advantage count and produced a number of excellent individual performances.

Marc Smith (Barassie) lost to G Foley (Ralson) – 2&1
Fraser Kerr (Barassie) lost to C McLean (Cowglen) – 3&2
Jack McDonald (Barassie) lost to S Connor (Ralston) – 4&3
David Wilson (Welbeck) lost to C O’Neil (Pollock) – 5&4
Kyle Smith (Barassie) beat M Murphy (Cawdor) – 8&7
Colin Robinson(Largs) lost to G McDougall (Bishopbriggs) – 4&3
Scott Clark (Belleisle) halved with P Laughlan (Cawdor)
Scott Brown (Turnberry) lost to M Bookless (Sandyhills) – 1 hole

Match Result - Glasgow 6 ½ - Ayrshire 1 ½

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