Tuesday, March 06, 2007

AYRSHIRE GOLF ASSOCIATION - County side edge victory at St. Nicholas

Ayrshire recorded a 6 - 4 victory at a windy Prestwick St. Nicholas on Sunday 4th March, against a strong team from the host club.

Match details were (St. Nicholas names first):

G. Lawrie beat J. Cairney (Ravenspark) 2 & 1
K. Brock halved with T. McInally (Loudoun)
D. Hawthorn lost to G. Robertson (Ravenspark) 3 & 2
J. Ashton lost to S. Pennington (St. Meddans) 2 & 1
S. Bolland halved with S. Murray (Welbeck)
S. King lost to K. Fergusson (St. Cuthbert) 1 hole
G. Tierney beat J. Shanks (Ardeer) 3 & 2
A. Poole lost to D. Mallinson (Ravenspark) 2 & 1
R. Craig beat B. Moore (Largs) 1 hole
C. McCall lost to A. Gourlay (Irvine) 3 & 2


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