Saturday, December 10, 2005

AYRSHIRE JUNIOR GOLF LEAGUE - Secretary remains in post on temporary basis

Ayrshire Junior Golf League Secretary Alasdair Malcolm will remain in post until the first meeting of 2006.

At the Annual General Meeting on 5th December, prospective candidates to fill the posts of Secretary and Assistant Secretary were identified, but it was agreed to leave the election until the February meeting of The League, with the current Secretary agreeing to remain in post until that time.

Troon Welbeck were due to take over the Chairmanship of The League at the A.G.M., but with no Welbeck representative present at the meeting, the chair was temporarily filled, on the club's behalf, by former Ayrshire Golf Association President, Robin Baker, an associate member of Welbeck.

Mark Fitzpatrick accepted the Vice Chairmanship on behalf of Kilmarnock Barassie.

It was agreed at the meeting thatr the annual subscription would rise from £40 to £45 per club, with the raffle levy remaining at £15 per club.

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